Who
Should
Attend:
Experienced
managers
and
leaders
Recommended
Group
Size:
or
more
participants
Program
Length:
days

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With
so
many
theories
of
leadership,
how
do
you
know
what
to
put
in
your
programs?
has
solved
that
problem
with
a
comprehensive
leadership
course
aimed
at
leading
teams
under
21st
century
conditions.
What
most
organizations
need
now
is
a
person
who
can
help
others
learn
to
lead
themselves,
a
person
who
is
skilled
in
teaching
others
to
do
their
jobs
better
and
to
work
effectively
in
the
context
of
an
empowered
team.
For
most
supervisors
and
managers
who
have
been
leaders
of
traditional
work
groups,
the
new
leader
role
may
seem
a
little
unnatural.
This
is
a
significant
and
complex
behavior
change
that
does
not
come
easily
to
most
supervisors
and
managers.
Team
Leader
Training
can
pave
the
way
for
this
change.
Team
Leader
Training
is
designed
to
help
experienced
managers
from
traditional
organizational
backgrounds
make
the
transition
to
a
style
of
leadership
more
suitable
to
empowered,
high-performance,
self-directed,
or
self-managed
work
teams.
Team
Leader
Training
participants
will:
-
Develop
a
new
leadership
orientation
emphasizing
facilitative
behaviors.
-
Empower
team
members
to
assume
a
greater
share
of
the
leadership
and
team
management
responsibilities.
-
Align
a
team
to
its
mission,
vision,
and
short-term
performance
goals.
-
Organize
high-performance
teams
through
role
clarification
and
negotiation.
-
Create
effective,
high-performance
operating
processes.
-
Foster
effective
interpersonal
and
inter-team
relationships.
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