

Information Request

Please provide the following information. Fields marked with * must be completed before the form will be processed.



Your Name:*
Company Name:
Street Address 1:*
Street Address 2:
ZIP/Postal Code:*
Phone:* ( )       Best time to contact you:  
Fax: ( )  
Please tell us about your requirements.
Please tell us about your organization.

How many employees work there in total?

What is your estimate of your company's total annual training budget?

Has your company's training ever been formally assessed or evaluated?

Yes No

Are there any formal skill certification programs currently in place at your company?

Yes No

Do you believe that your company is currently maximizing the value of its training investment?

Yes No

What percentage of your total training budget is allocated to assessment and evaluation of training?

Submit the form.

© ourWorld Family of Companies 2004. All rights reserved. PIPE, The Sales Aide, The Sales Aide 28+1, Personal Development Institute, Contrast, and ourWorld, are all registered Trade Marks of the ourWorld Family of Companies. 2001.