Free Personality Profile, Personal Potential Assessment and Mission Statement. The first steps on your personal development journey.
The following
FREE personal
sampler resources provide invaluable
feedback about you and where you are starting your
personal development journey. At the Personal
Development Institute we recognize that no one
individual is the same and the need for change effects
us all in different ways, whether it’s a new job or
new relationships you will find that these resources
will help you to make those
important decisions you are now facing in a professional
Donald G. Carty. At the Personal Development Institute
our purpose is to awaken people
to a new way of thinking about what it is to be human
and what it takes to make life and work more rewarding
and fulfilling. |
Don't worry, my friends. The Personality Profile, Personal Potential Assessment and Mission Statement really are Free. Be prepared, however, to spend some time on these resources if you are serious about personal self development. Please visit Meditations & Spoken Word Inspiration of D.G.C.. ,Plus 50 of the Greatest Self Help Books ever Written and Wisdom Quotes, for more personal development resources.
G. Carty's Personal Development Newsletter
is not personal development rhetoric. You'll
read inspirational stories, and personal development news, learn new skill sets, and gain knowledge of self through hands-on exercises, discover
what works, and what doesn't. Donald's been around a
while, and you can count on him for reliable and
informative personal development information." –
Michael Davies,
Editor, The Dream Catcher. |
I won't
share your email address with anyone.
The key to Personal
Development is self-knowledge. The Free
Profile is the starting point.
Do You Know Why?
personal assessment tools
identify traits, competencies, and practices to clarify
style. This Personality
Profile takes it a step further to
identify the reasons why we have these characteristics
and what we can do to:
- Tailor
personal development to satisfy our deepest desires.
- Manage
our natural tendencies that sabotage our best
- Address
your fundamental need for meaning.
Free Personality Profile Yields:
- Your
Personality "type" and description.
- Profile
Your basic fear and your basic
- Personal
development recommendations for your
- A
resource list for further study and development.
It provides invaluable
feedback about you and where you are starting your
learning and development journey.
Identify the reasons
you have
the characteristics you do
If you are exploring
what truly motivates you, the
Potential Assessment will help you
identify your natural motivations, interests and talents
for work.
What Truly Motivates You.
The Personal
Potential Assessment reveals the real
you: your natural motivations, interests and talents for
work. An invaluable tool for career assessment and
career potential analysis.
Free Analysis Yields:
- Sample
of each section of your narrative results.
- Includes
5 free job matches to over 900 O*NET job
descriptions with complete Occupational Outlook
Handbook Documentation.
- Search
real jobs that match your personal motivations by
using O*NET to find the right career fit.
- Top
11-20 jobs with your greatest potential for success.
- Free
resource guide for career changers
your strengths, your styles for communications, learning
and leadership. See what career is best for you.
Your natural motivations, interests and talents for
work revealed
You are now ready to
Your Free Mission Statement.
This is where you will start building your path to
personal development.
Now put it all Together!
you have completed the free personality profile and the
free career potential assessment then you are ready to Build
Your Mission Statement.
is where you will start building your path to personal
Your Free Mission Statement:
- Takes
5 of your positive characteristics.
- Helps
you develop Actions to express them.
- Defines
your business goals.
- and
puts them all into one statement.
"People with goals
succeed because they know where they are going... It's
as simple as that."
- Earl Nightingale
Start building your path to
personal development here
Unlock the Secrets of True Attainment, Personal Empowerment and Success. Acres of Diamonds by Russell Conwell.If you wish to be great, begin with who you are right now, where you are right now. Follow these principles, and you will uncover your own acres of diamonds. In The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace D. Wattles expertly guides us toward financial success by providing the tools to spiritual growth through the acquiring of riches. As A Man Thinketh by James Allen is partly responsible for the creation of the entire personal development industry. Most contemporary Personal Developement authors and teachers credit this little book for providing foundation to their principles. Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich is The Top Selling Success Book of all-time!! Cited by many present day success teachers as the book that got them started. This is the BEST VALUE eBook offer ever made on the Internet. They teach tried and tested techniques that anyone can follow. And result in a very complete and effective self-improvement course. These books contain a blue-print to Wealth, Success and Happiness. Don't pass this rare opportunity up - It could be the making of you. And for a Limited time recieve an additional 4 ebooks free...That's a total of 8 eBooks. You have nothing at all to lose and everything to gain, so read on!
The Success Library contains 58 of The Greatest Self Help, Success, Spiritual and Personal Transformation eBooks ever written. Now Available for $1.99 each. Your Success Library Includes...Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill,The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel,As a Man Thinketh by James Allen,Acres of Diamonds by Russell H. Conwell,The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles,Art of War by Sun Tzu,The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes,The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran,The Manual by Epictetus,Meditations by Marcus Aurelius,Varieties of Religious Experience by William James, Plus many, many more......
Donald G. Carty is one of the best presenters of Personal Development information in the world. But he is also a man with a mission, to bring this key information for achieving success to the individual person who needs it most. A step by step workbook guide for anyone interested in Success — full of tips, questionnaires, self analysis, and exercises. Presented through a collection of Donald Carty's very best tried and proven first hand personal development action plans. Buy "Your Personal Road Map for Success" TODAY AND RECEIVE 15 Top Selling eBOOKS FREE
has become the cutting edge advantage for successful
individuals. Personal Coaching allows focused
individualized attention to promote in-depth
self-awareness and fine-tuned performance enhancement.
Please follow the instructions on the form. Your answer
(s) will be posted on this site.
to Your Free Coaching Question Yields:
- Invaluable
feedback about you.
- Where
you are NOW in your personal development journey.
- Recommendations
for the next step in your quest for personal
While these Steps can be
powerful tools for transformation, transformational work
is not possible for those actively abusing addictive
medications, alcohol, or controlled substances. Those
suffering from substance abuse problems must become
"sober" on a regular basis before they can
sustain any in-depth inquiry into their true nature.
Abuse and neglect make it almost impossible to develop
the sensitivity and attention necessary to observe
oneself with any clarity.
Don't know your Personality Type?
here to take our Test
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Join the Personal Development Institute®
feel free to Link directly to this page.
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significant role in the evolution of a new
consciousness and serving people as they embrace
their own quest for success and fulfillment.
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a donation here. Thank You.
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