Global Beads®
By Global Lead Finally — an interactive diversity game that is easy to facilitate but
drives home its point. Introducing Global Beads®, an innovative,
experiential learning tool explores the ways in which factors such as
race, gender, age, and religion play a role in socialization, and
impact our interactions with others. What makes Global Beads®
powerful is that participants learn from their own lives and
experiences, not a hypothetical case study or abstract lecture. There
simply is no other product like it available today.
How the game is played:
Using colored beads to represent different races, genders, and
religious groups, participants respond to a series of 33 questions in
order to create visuals of their background and the choices they have
made in their lives. A thorough debriefing discussion then helps
participants to make a conscious effort to create larger zones of
familiarity, comfort, and trust.
Learning Outcomes:
- Create a visual representation of
- Understand how individual
socialization affects interactions
- Learn how make deliberate attempts
at building relationships with different groups
- Increased familiarity, comfort,
and trust between people of different backgrounds
The Participant Guide provides
participants with a personal journal to record their thoughts,
comments, questions, and insights during and after the exercise.
Highlights from the Facilitator Guide include step-by-step guidelines;
questions to participants; debrief discussion; adaptations; teaching
aids; and race, ethnicity, gender, age, and religion overviews.