The Free Resources offered by the Personal Development Institute provide invaluable feedback about where you are starting your personal self development journey.
WelcomeWhether you are looking at change or just considering your options this is the site for you. At the Personal Development Institute we recognize that no one individual is the same and the need for change effects us all in different ways, whether it’s a new job or new relationships you will find resources, links, articles and information to help you make those important decisions you are now facing in a professional way.The following FREE sampler resources provide invaluable feedback about you and where you are starting your personal development journey. The key to Personal Development is self-knowledge. The "Personality" Profile is often our starting point for coaching and mentoring. If you are exploring what truly motivates you, the Personal Potential Assessment will help you identify your natural motivations, interests and talents for work. Once you have completed the free personality profile and the free career potential assessment then you are ready to Build Your Mission Statement. We hope you enjoyed your visit with us. Please give us Your Comments and Suggestions. If you did your Profile, Assessment and Mission Statement, you worked very hard. Congratulations, now go here and relax for an important message and Interview. Additional Resources on the study of Human Potential and Personal Development If you are interested in starting your own PDI chapter. We can put you in touch with your nearest PDI Adviser, who will take you through this easy process step by step. Click here for more information.