G. Carty’s brilliant "Your Personal Road Map for
Success" eWorkbook PLUS his collection of best
selling Personal Success eBooks... Acres of Diamonds, Think and Grow Rich, As a Man Thinketh, The Science of Getting Rich and MORE... Just minutes away!
eBooks and a very special eWorkbook
at your fingertips...
Personal Road Map for Success
to get to where you want to be"
Carty is one of the best presenters of Personal
Development information in the world. But he is also a man with a
mission, to bring this key information for achieving
success to the individual person who needs it most. A
step by step workbook guide for anyone interested in
Success — full of tips, questionnaires, self analysis,
and exercises. Presented through a collection of
Donald Carty's very best tried and proven first
hand personal development action plans.
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"Your Personal Road Map for Success" will teach
you how to make better use of your unlimited potential and become successful
in all areas of your life. This is a "Practical" course which, in
a short time, will guide you to the summit of the art of living and success.
This workbook has been designed not merely to be read but to
be "Experienced." To "Experience" you must creatively
respond to information.
This 12 week program is simple and concrete, and contains
numerous practical applications in all areas like re-educating yourself and
mastering day-to-day living.
Higher natural aptitudes have lain dormant inside you ever
since you were very young.
Now is the time for you to discover them. PDF
Format 994kb
Here are some of the
concrete benefits the course will provide:
From now
on you will always feel worthy.
Do you have an inferiority complex about certain things,
like so many other people? Do you like your body? Your
social standing? Are you satisfied with how much money
you earn? Your Personal Road Map for Success will expand
your self-worth dramatically. You will no longer feel
the mental uneasiness that accompanies being intimidated
by people in positions of authority.
unshakeable self-confidence.
Be the person who attracts others, who makes others feel
comfortable, who instills confidence in others because
you are confident in yourself.
the odds in your favour.
Do you believe in luck? When you see what luck has done
for some people you more-or-less believe in it! But
there is a trick that everyone who is lucky uses. In
just one week you'll be using it too... and it will
change everything. You will become filled with
enthusiasm and accelerate toward positive fulfillment of your destiny. And your destination will be...
your most secret desires into reality.
You have a dream project but... you keep putting it off
for later. Many of your dreams do not come true, and you
always find a reason why they can't happen. Now you can
attain your goals without getting discouraged. You will
know how to develop the strength of conviction that
sweeps aside all obstacles.
limitless energy.
You'll be amazed at how much potential for energy there
is lying dormant inside you. Wake that potential up and
you can become a leader. You'll be able to use that
energy in all your life. It will protect you against
disease, stimulate your imagination, instill you with a
sense of joy and give you intense personal magnetism.
your true personality.
Let the rich treasure inside you spring forth. You will
acquire the means to do just that, because happiness is
the reward of all those who really express what is
inside them.
It took 20 years to put
together "Your Personal Road Map for Success", based on
Donald Carty’s famous 'Go For Gold,'
the seminar he developed and presented to large
corporations and small companies, in both the private
and public sectors all over North America.
You will benefit from the experience of hundreds of
participants who have taken part in hundreds of hours of
seminars. All in the comfort of your own home, at your
own speed, with all the knowledge and experience of
Donald Carty.
Why buy now?
Because right now you can begin to build and experience
a whole new fulfilling life. One you will embrace and
treasure for having the courage to discover. You can
begin that new life by getting started on Your Personal
Road Map for Success.
Donald Carty eBook Collection
Acres of Diamonds
This volume contains the lecture entitled Acres of Diamonds by
Russell Conwell, as well as a biographical sketch of Conwell's
life and achievements by Robert Shackleton. As a student,
schoolmaster, lawyer, preacher, organizer, thinker and writer,
lecturer, educator, diplomat, and leader of men, Conwell made
his mark on his city and state and the times in which he
lived. His ideas, ideals and enthusiasm have inspired tens of
thousands of lives. This is a book full of the energetics of a
master workman.
these pages we learn the virtues of earning money through
honest, hard work. We learn to look for opportunities to serve
others in our own back yard by simply finding a need and
filling it. If you wish to be great, begin with who you are
right now, where you are right now. Follow these principles,
and you will uncover your own acres of diamonds.
PDF Format
Science of Getting Rich
D. Wattles expertly guides us toward financial success by
providing the tools to spiritual growth through the acquiring
of riches. We sacrifice nothing. We gain everything. We simply
allow our consciousness to shift from the strain of
competitive hustle to the joy of accomplishment by our own
information moves forward in time with grace and ease. It is
even more pertinent now than when it was written over a
century ago in 1903.
PDF Format 380kb
A Man Thinketh
Written in
the late 1800's, as A Man Thinketh is partly responsible for
the creation of the entire personal development industry.
Most contemporary Personal Developement authors and teachers credit this little
book for providing foundation to their principles. It is
a set of philosophical musings on the power of our thoughts.
Earl Nightingale, widely regarded as the father of modern day
personal development, in his best-selling recording,
called the ideas in this book, "The Strangest
Secret". The secret, he said, is "we become
what we think about".
that we achieve and all that we fail to achieve is the direct
result of our own thoughts."
a Man Thinketh" is a classic in the truest sense: few
books have been so widely read, have stood the test of time so
well, have had such an impact on generations of readers, and
have carried such a simple, profound message: You are what you
Mandino counted "As a Man Thinketh" among the top
ten success books of all time--read it today and put its
wisdom to work for you!
PDF Format 158kb
Think and
Grow Rich
Think and
Grow Rich. The Top Selling Success Book of all-time!! Cited
by many present day success teachers as the book that got them
This is the original and complete 1937 version reproduced for
eBook readers.
are money-making secets that can change your life. Inspired by
Andrew Carnegie's magic formula for success, this book will
teach you the secrets that will bring you a fortune. It will
show you not only what to do, but how to do it. Once you learn
and apply the simple, basic techniques revealed here, you will
have mastered the secret of true and lasting success. And you
may have whatever you want in life.
PDF Format
of War
more than two thousand years, Sun-tzu's The Art of War has
provided leaders with essential advice on battlefield tactics
and management strategies. An elemental part of Chinese
culture, it has also become a touchstone for the Western
struggle for survival...
A lucid epigrammatic text that reveals as much
about human psychology, politics, and economics as it does
about battlefield strategy.
PDF Format
You is The Power
was around the early 1920's that Henry Thomas Hamblin
began to write. Within You is The Power was one of his
first books ever written, and it went on to sell over
200,000 copies.
"The enlightened message of
this book moves forward in time with grace and ease, and
serves to help bring the inner power of mind and spirit
onto harmony with Universal Law.", explains
Donald G. Carty. " More than ever before we need
to be inspired and energized by the Power lying hidden
in each of us, so that we may rise from the ashes of our
dead hopes to build anew our life in greater beauty and
in more harmony."
Format 744kb
Meditations A
series of spiritual exercises filled with wisdom, practical
guidance, and profound understanding of human behavior, Marcus
Aurelius’s Meditations remains one of the greatest
works of spiritual and ethical reflection ever written.
Marcus’s insights and advice—on everything from living in
the world to coping with adversity and interacting with
others—have made the Meditations required reading for
statesmen and philosophers alike, while generations of
ordinary readers have responded to the straightforward
intimacy of his style. The
Roman emperor and second-century Stoic philosopher Marcus
Aurelius discusses life, morality, duty, and community.
Originally entitled "To Himself", the work did not
surface until the fourth century, shows a spirit attuned to
both the particulars of human destiny and the vast patterns
which underlie it.
PDF Format
to Live on 24 Hours a Day
of the first "self-help" books ever written,
Readers who begin this book with the question: "How can I
get it all done?" will soon be asking: "What am I
going to do with all my free time?"
classic personal time-management book originally published in
1908 has inspired generations of men and women to live
deliberate lives. Not just another collection of timesaving
tips, this book is more of a challenge to leave behind mundane
everyday concerns, focus on pursuing one's true desires, and
live the fullest possible life. Reflection, concentration, and
study techniques make it easier to accomplish more truly
rewarding undertakings than anyone ever dreamed possible.
PDF Format
Analysis of Mind
of Russell's most important and interesting books which
reconciles the materialistic tendency of psychology with the
anti-materialistic tendency of physics.
All of his ideas are clearly stated and
made more apparent with the use of simple illustrations. He
covers all aspects of what we presently call our mind and
allows us to judge for ourselves the relative importance of
each aspect. While this work is older than 80 years, I find it
quite amazing that the physiological evidence to his
interpretations of the mind is only now becoming apparent
work has been given in the form of lectures both in London and
Peking, and one lecture, that on Desire, has been published in
the Athenaeum.
Russell was awarded the Order of Merit in
1949 and the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1950.PDF Format
(9 eBooks and the eWorkbook) FOR JUST $19.95
(That's 10 eBooks a $160.00 Value)
of 5 stars
Download "Road
Map for Success Bundle" Now
Click on BONUS LINK below for more ebooks
The Library for Higher Learning and The Personal Development Institute Presents over 50 of the best Classic self help e-books ever written. From timeless Sages to present day Gurus these books distill Centuries of Wisdom into some pretty hard hitting and important messages.
Educators, Professors, Religious
Leaders, Teachers,
and Instructors!
Your Personal Road Map for Success is the perfect text
for your classes or workshops, and it is
being using for that purpose all over the world. To
receive an evaluation copy for
adoption purposes, please send me a note at
Members of the Press or Media!
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Success for possible review,
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order the paperback (8.5x11, 182pages)